Welcome to my blog.  My name is Crystal and love being a woman.  When I think of what a woman is so many things come to mind and I have yet to find a clear, distinct set of words.  One may ask why is this?  The answer is there is no true definition of what can define a woman.  We are multifaceted beings and no one is created equal.  If ten women were in a room each would feel as such, a woman.  But if one was to look just a little closer,  each one has a different set of elements that makes them unique . 

Don't Hit Snooze- A Challenge of Integrity

Don't Hit Snooze- A Challenge of Integrity

Integrity. Hmmmm...it’s one of those characteristics that we find very hard to truly understand.  We use the word as if it’s either you have integrity or you absolutely cannot have it.  I see integrity as the thing that keeps our moral compass aligned.  It’s like having an angel on one shoulder and little devil on the other.  The angel is the little nudge of integrity we need.  HAHAHA.  We all have those moments in life where we fall short of being a perfect soul.  We all think foul thoughts of others, have gossiped, lied and cheated.  However, integrity is much deeper than what we say and do to or for others.  

Just about two years ago, I had the fortunate opportunity in meeting an amazing woman who I called my accountability partner (not sure if she was aware of this partnership). She was in charge of leading a professional development for the teachers and staff on how to establish goals and holding ourselves accountable.  She started off by explaining the virtue of integrity.  She expressed that we all hold this virtue for others in the highest of regard.  Most schools and organizations have it as one of their core values.

I noticed how easy it is for people to point out when they see the lack of integrity in others.  But, she asked us a simple question:  How many of you hit the snooze button this morning?  Of course the room was filled with almost every single hand being raised.  She looked at us with a solemn look and said we were already out of integrity with ourselves.  You see integrity is doing what you say you are going to do.  It’s pretty much a promise we make not only to others but most importantly to ourselves.  

Time after time and night after night I tell myself I will be up at 5:30 am.  I am already making a promise with myself.  Once the snooze button is hit, then I did not do what I said I was going to do.  I have broken that promise.

After listening to the definition of integrity and aware I was totally out of integrity with myself (because yes, I did hit the snooze button not once but twice that morning),  it helped me to be less judgmental of myself and others as well.  Everyone falls out of integrity, does that make you the worse person in the world?  Absolutely not! But what it does is allows us to know morally when we are not holding up to our promises.  It reminds us that it starts with ourselves first.  If we can do what we say we are going to do for ourselves then we should definitely be able to hold the same for those around us as well.  


Let me challenge your integrity!


I am calling this the Don’t Hit Snooze Challenge.  I want you to think of ONE small thing that you have difficulty following through on.  Remember I said small.  Examples such as drinking at least 3 cups of water, logging off of social media one less hour a day, reading one book, or just what the challenge states, not hitting the snooze button.   Stay true to your efforts for thirty days.  


The challenge begins November 1st.  

Please share the promise you will make to yourself for 30 days in the comments.  I will love to hear about it.


Til we meet again...


Finally saying goodbye to 2017

Finally saying goodbye to 2017

The Fruits of my Labor

The Fruits of my Labor